Step 1: Go to Enter your domain name and click SEARCH. 
Step 2 Next to your desired domain name choose the respective option: 
And choose your hosting plan: 
Then continue:  Confirm your order details: 
Then click:  If a new customer then create an account (you only need to do this once) otherwise simply login. 
For new customers create your account with all your details (this will be the domain ownership profile we will use thus). 
Then select continue: 
Next you can add comments for our technical team, it’s a good time to enter any details we might need in the case you are requesting your site to be migrated.  Finally enter your billing info for your debit order, you only need to do this once for us and we’ll save it for future services. 
You’ll get a change for a final review: 
And we’re done! 
You will receive your FTP and control panel details via e-mail. Any questions mail